This is an animated intro I did for a YouTube series I made with my fellow cartoonist and frequent collaborator Finn Belknap. The video uses assets created in Procreate, put together in after effects. The movement and scaling effects were animated in after effects, while the melting letters and moving characters were drawn by hand.
World of Fish was a goofy, relaxing VR experience I made in unreal engine to experiment with displaying 2d animation in a 3d space. The fish were hand-animated in Procreate with some additional effects added in after effects (mostly to the bioluminescent creatures.) The animation were brought in unreal as sprite sheets and displayed on 2d, camera-facing planes, which rotated to give the illusion of depth. The interactive features (opening sub door) were done built using Unreal’s visual scripting language, Blueprint.
This video is a book trailer that I made in After Effects for my comic anthology, Wack Mirror. The visuals were created using original art from the comics, distortion effects in After Effects, and a few hand drawn animations done in procreate. The music at the beginning is a flat tone that I generated in After Effects and then pitched up and down. The music at the end was composed by Spencer Ritchey for our game, Shroom Slayer.
There are a few motion graphics shots in this trailer. The first is the composite shot of the UFO approaching Earth. The UFO is actually an unused mushroom model from the game that I animated spinning around in Maya. Then, I removed the background and added the stock photo of the Earth and moved and scaled everything to give the illusion of movement through a large space.
The dripping letters were a little more complicated. First, I used a font of my handwriting that I had from an earlier project. I used this as a mask area to generated particles that would become the drips. Then is used three layers of color (for the highlights, midtones, and shadows that you see in the final lettering) to follow that drips down.
Al Feldstein was an artist most famous for his work on EC comics’ scifi and horror titles in the 1950s. Most of the assets in this video are clipped from his work. The moving dots effect was created using the CC ball effect in After Effects over an image with a color filter applied to change the brightness and contrast over time.
This is an older project. It’s a motion collage using images from different comics I’ve done. Most of the effects are really simple moves, scales, and dissolves, but I think the end result is pretty nice.